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EJOT Expert Seminars & Webinars

Expand your connection technology knowledge now

The main topics direct fastening in plastic and metal as well as fastening technology for lightweight design, are the basis for our customer seminars. Experienced speakers from different areas of expertise talk about trends in fastening technology, in a compact and understandable way.


Vuoi ampliare le tue conoscenze nell’ambito dei sistemi di fissaggio? 
Partecipa ai nostri SEMINARI WEB INDUSTRIA. In questa serie di formazione in lingua inglese, vi forniremo tutti i suggerimenti e consigli per il fissaggio diretto in materiali termoplastici e termoindurenti, oltre a materiali in lega leggera. 
Iscriviti, i WEBINAR EJOT sono totalmente gratuiti! 

EJOT Expert Seminars

If you have any further questions, please contact:
Kerstin Spittel
phone +49 2751 529-767
e-Mail: kspittel@ejot.com